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Amazing Tools for Actors

Creative visualization for kids to book jobs.


Many of Alisha's students having callbacks and booking jobs from this audio!

(each child's results will vary)

It is recommended to be used on a daily basis for best results. 

Relaxation technique and audition prep for all ages
This is a great tool that has helped Alisha's students find success!
(each child's results will vary)

Creative visualization for adult actors to book jobs.

To purchase your own download email


All downloads are $150.00 

Once you purchase a download, your purchase is agreeing you will not sell or share the download with anyone other than whom it is bought for.




Keep on checking back for the next Confidence workshop. 




Once you purchase a download or a book from Alisha, you are agreeing to these terms: Once you purchase a product from Acting with Alisha (download or book) it cannot be copied, edited, or shared for you own financial gain. 

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